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Research and Innovation

Recent Publications

Strayer, R. J., Friedman, B. W., Haroz, R., Ketcham, E., Klein, L., LaPietra, A. M., ... & Nelson, L. S.

Emergency Department Management of Patients with Alcohol Intoxication, Alcohol Withdrawal, and

Alcohol Use Disorder: A White Paper Prepared for the American Academy of Emergency Medicine.

Journal of Emergency Medicine.


Huo, S., Heil, J., Salzman, M. S., Carroll, G., & Haroz, R. Methadone Initiation in the Emergency Department for Opioid Use Disorder: A Case Series. Journal of Emergency Medicine.


Ely, A. V., & Wetherill, R. R. (2022). Reward and Inhibition in Obesity and Cigarette Smoking:

Neurobiological Overlaps and Clinical Implications. Physiology & Behavior, 114049.


Carroll, G., Solomon, K. T., Heil, J., Saloner, B., Stuart, E. A., Patel, E. Y., ... & Haroz, R. (2022).

Impact of Administering Buprenorphine to Overdose Survivors Using Emergency Medical Services.

Annals of Emergency Medicine.


Ganetsky, V. S., Salzman, M., Carroll, G., Heil, J., Sutton, J., Visioli, V. M., ... & Haroz, R. (2022).

Hospital-Initiated Extended-Release Injectable Buprenorphine Using a Novel Reallocation Initiative From an Outpatient Addiction Medicine Clinic. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 10-1097.


Kusic, D., Heil, J., Zajic, S., Brangan, A., Dairo, O., Smith, G., ... & Scheinfeldt, L. B. (2022).

Patient Perceptions and Potential Utility of Pharmacogenetic Testing in Chronic Pain Management and

Opioid Use Disorder in the Camden Opioid Research Initiative. Pharmaceutics, 14(9), 1863.


Crowthers, R. A., Arya, M., Venkataraman, A., Lister, J. J., Cooper, S. E., Enich, M., ... & Jermyn, R. T. (2022).

Impact of an Osteopathic Peer Recovery Coaching Model on Treatment Outcomes in High-Risk Men Entering Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorders. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.


​Heil, J., Ganetsky, V. S., Salzman, M., Hunter, K., Baston, K. E., Carroll, G., Ketcham, E., Haroz, R. (2022).

Attitudes on Methadone Utilization in the Emergency Department: A Physician Cross-sectional Study.

The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health.


Ehrman-Dupre, R., Kaigh, C., Salzman, M., Haroz, R., Peterson, L. K., & Schmidt, R. (2022). Management of Xylazine Withdrawal in a Hospitalized Patient: A Case Report. Journal of Addiction Medicine.


Ghanem, N., Dromgoole, D., Hussein, A., & Jermyn, R. T. (2022).

Review of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.


Fix, C., Re, C., Roberts, B., Salzman, M., Baston, K., Baxter, J., ... & Haroz, R. (2021). Injection Drug Use and Healthcare Utilization in Patients Newly Diagnosed With HIV. Journal of Addiction Medicine.


Ganetsky, V. S., Heil, J., Yates, B., Jones, I., Hunter, K., Rivera, B., ... & Baston, K. E. (2021).

A Low-threshold Comprehensive Shared Medical Appointment Program for Perinatal Substance Use

in an Underserved Population. Journal of Addiction Medicine.


Robbins, M., Haroz, R., Mazzarelli, A., Clements IV, D., Jones, C. W., & Salzman, M. (2021).

Buprenorphine use and disparities in access among emergency department patients with

opioid use disorder: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 130, 108405.


Carroll, G. G., Wasserman, D. D., Shah, A. A., Salzman, M. S., Baston, K. E., Rohrbach, R. A., ... & Haroz, R. (2021). Buprenorphine field initiation of ReScue treatment by emergency medical services

(Bupe FIRST EMS): A case series. Prehospital Emergency Care, 25(2), 289-293.


Salzman, M., Jones, C. W., Rafeq, R., Gaughan, J., & Haroz, R. (2020). Epidemiology of opioid-related visits to US Emergency Departments, 1999–2013: A retrospective study from the NHAMCS (National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey). The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 38(1), 23-27.


Fidacaro Jr, G. A., Patel, P., Carroll, G., Bartimus, H., Hunter, K., & Hong, R. (2020). Do Patients Require Emergency Department Interventions After Prehospital Naloxone?.

Journal of Addiction Medicine, 14(3), 224-230.


Haroz, R., LaPietra, A., Holtsford, S., Strayer, RJ. (2020). Improve Opioid Use Disorder Management by Changing Resident Training. ACEP Now.


Haroz, R., Carroll, G. G., Strayer, RJ. (2020). Treatment Strategies for Precipitated Opioid Withdrawal after Naloxone Rescue. ACEP Now.

© Southern NJ MAT Center of Excellence 2023–2024

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